There has been a lot of debate over which treatment is best for erectile dysfunction, a condition that’s affecting at least 12 million American men (1). The medical approach focuses on targeting the problem itself with the use of oral medications, injections, stem cell therapy, and even penile prosthesis implants.
On the other hand, the traditional and complementary approach focuses on restoring the overall function of the body, which eventually improves sexual performance (2). But for those who want to take on the natural approach to treating erectile dysfunction, a watermelon Viagra recipe might sound interesting.
Is Watermelon a Natural Viagra?
Chances are, you already heard the story of how watermelon could act as a natural Viagra. This is because watermelon contains L-citrulline, a non-essential amino acid believed to promote better blood flow to the penis, which helps in erection. Citrulline is converted into arginine in the body, which in turn stimulates nitric oxide production to help dilate the blood vessels in the penis, causing an erection.
The next question is, how much watermelon will it take to enjoy Viagra-like effects? No one knows for sure because there are still no conclusive studies of how much watermelon should be consumed for it to act as a natural Viagra. However, an analysis was made by GC-MS to determine the citrulline content of watermelons, which ranged from 3.9 to 28.5 mg/g dry weight (3).
What Is the Watermelon Viagra Recipe?
If you’re ready to give watermelon Viagra a try, you only need to prepare watermelon, a juicer, and some ice. Cut the watermelon open and cube out the flesh inside. You can also use a melon baller. Feed the fruit on the juicer to extract the liquid and pour it on glass with ice so you can enjoy your watermelon Viagra cold. You can also store the extra juice in a container and keep it in your fridge for three days. If you freeze the juice, it could last for up to 60 days.
If you want to spice up your regular watermelon juice and enjoy added health benefits like vitamin C, you can also mix ¼ watermelon, one lemon, and one pomegranate in a blender to mix it well. You can drink a cup of juice on an empty stomach in the morning and before dinner.
The Takeaway
While erectile dysfunction continues to affect millions of men around the world, natural treatments like the watermelon Viagra recipe can help in addressing the issue. If you’re one of those having a hard time getting an erection, make sure to consult your doctor to see which treatments will work best for you.
Drinking watermelon juice isn’t only beneficial for erectile dysfunction, but it also helps you stay healthy and fit for a long time. So, why not give it a try?