When talking about penile measurement, people often say, “Size does not matter. It’s the performance that does!” But some guys won’t settle for that, and so they look for ways to increase the size of their manhood.
“Does Cialis make you bigger?” This is one of the questions that they have.
Can this pill really add an inch or two to your dick size? Let us find out whether or not Cialis can enlarge your penis.
What Is Cialis?
Before you go ahead and get tons of Cialis for yourself with the belief that it can make your own bigger, you must first understand what it really is.
This is a type of pill that treats erectile dysfunction (ED), which is the inability to get an erection (1). It contains ingredients that help relax the muscles in the penile region (2). This promotes better blood flow, which will result in a hard-on. It can also prolong your hardness down there (3, 4).
Why Are There Guys Using Cialis for Male Enhancement?
For an average man aiming to have a longer dick he would try just about anything that he hears from his colleagues just to get what he wants. It could also be due to the influence of some magazines and advertisements. But sometimes, they are confusing.
This leaves them with the big question; can Cialis increase your dick size?
While it is true that there are various male enhancement products available out there, such as penis pumps, some guys utilize Cialis for this purpose. They think that since this pill can help achieve a better and longer-lasting erection, it can also make them bigger. What’s the truth?
So, Does Cialis Make You Bigger?
No, it does not. Men should never look at Cialis as a penis-enlargement product.
Although getting an erection makes your penis look longer and fatter, there is no way it will increase in size. Its hardness creates that illusion.
In fact, researchers conducted a study to see if Cialis can enhance the size of the penis. Unfortunately, the treatment did not affect the penile size at all.
Cialis is a medication for erectile dysfunction, and there is no way it could increase your dick size.
Should You Continue Using the Pill?
The answer to this depends on what you are trying to achieve. Are you using Cialis because you have erectile dysfunction, and you want to increase your penile size at the same time? If yes, then you can continue using the medication. It will help you get a hard-on, but not an increase in size.
On the other hand, if ED is not really your issue, and you have just been taking Cialis because you looked at it as a penis enhancer product, then you can stop.
Final Thoughts
Most men, if not all, surely want to have it all; a nice erection and penile size. The former is doable because erectile dysfunction treatments are available (5, 6).
But if you are asking, “does Cialis make you bigger?” the answer is NO. It can help in erection problems, but it was never meant to enlarge the penis.