Throughout history, herbs and plants have been widely used for healing and medicinal purposes, and we’ve taken it a step further by extracting natural chemicals from them for everyday use. Icariin is just an example of one such substance, and it is also known for its ability to treat erectile dysfunction. You can say that it can be a substitute for Viagra, but now the question that remains is knowing how much icariin equals Viagra.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about icariin, what it does for erectile dysfunction, and how to use it for ED.
What Is Icariin?
It is a compound found in a plane called Epimedium or more commonly known as horny goat weed. In fact, the herb itself got its name specifically because it was used for sexual function problems like erectile dysfunction and low libido. Scientists have then extracted the specific protein that helps with ED.
Effect of Icariin on Erectile Dysfunction
Now, the idea of using icariin isn’t entirely a myth, and numerous studies have actually proven it to be true.
For instance, researchers made use of castrated rats as their primary test subjects. The group of 32 was divided in half, where the first group got regular saline while the other had oral icariin. The second group was further divided into Set C, who got 1 mg doses a day and Set D, who got 10 mg a day. Both groups were under these treatments for four weeks.
The results found that intracavernosal pressure and nitric oxide synthase were significantly higher in the second group. This suggests that icariin can actually increase erectile function and even has long-term therapeutic benefits (1).
How Much Icariin Equals Viagra
Icariin, like Sildenafil, is a phosphodiesterase type (PDE5) inhibitor, so the two have similar effects on erectile dysfunction. As to whether the doses are the same is another thing. Studies suggest that it is actually weaker than Sildenafil, so you would need more to have the same duration as Viagra.
Tests were done, and the term IC50, meaning half-maximal inhibitory concentration, was used to measure its efficacy. Icariin came out with 5.9micromolar, in comparison to Viagra’s 74 nanomolar. Now skipping all the confusing technical talk, what they are basically saying is that Viagra is around 80 times more potent than Icariin, but that’s only in its purest form (2).
Science can actually improve the efficacy of Icariin without altering its composition and increasing potency. No exact measures can answer how much Icariin equals Viagra, but modern-day supplements with this protein have added components that actually strengthen it. Anything with at least 60 percent of Icariin can be effective.
How to Use Icariin
As I said, tons of supplements with Icariin are available nowadays, so it’s as easy as just taking a few pills every so often.
However, the National Institute of Health warns against taking high doses too often (3). Once or twice a day will likely be enough, but it depends on the treatment you are taking. It will often come in 50 to 200 mg doses, so take less if the doses are higher.
You should also note that a few side effects can still come up despite being a more natural remedy. This can include dizziness, nose bleeding, and rapid heartbeat. Take note of other adverse reactions you might experience with them, and consult with a medical professional immediately if you suspect it could be because of the Icariin.
Besides, people with certain conditions are advised against using Icariin. These are people with bleeding disorders, low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats. Your medication for these conditions, coupled with Icariin, can cause short breathing, chest pains, and sweating. Those with hormone-sensitive cancer are not encouraged as well, as it can affect their testosterone levels.
Overall, studies strongly support the use of Icariin for erectile dysfunction. Aside from those suffering the conditions stated above, it is generally safe with very little damage done. Though they are a lot weaker than Viagra, knowing how much Icariin equals Viagra would largely depend on the manufacturer of it.